Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 30: Your reflection in the Mirror

Last letter!... I did it! Ok here it goes, letter #30-
Dear girl staring at me through the mirror,
Mirrors tell lies about who you really are. They show the imperfections on the outside, and in all reality the people that love you really don't care. Who cares if you have a zit or your hair isn't right? Stop worrying about that girl in the mirror, and go out there and live your life. You've had tons of good times, and some bad, but everything has turned out just fine. You have lots of friends and family that love you, and you shouldn't forget that. Stop stressing out over little things, you'll be fine. It's all just a part of life. Have you noticed that the times when you feel the best is when your attitude is good? Yeah, remember that. No matter what life throws at you, you can still have a good attitude. Just remember to be yourself, and your life is/will be great. All those dreams and goals you planned? Yeah, you should do them, even if some of them might be a little crazy. Don't give up on yourself.
Love, that blonde haired, short, crazy girl you know need this right now- you know you love dance, and you have your whole life, so stop telling yourself you're done. Stop saying you're not going to do all those things you want to do. Who cares what other people say? It's what you love, so stop having doubts. Just do it, even though you may be a little scared now, it'll be worth it.

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