Monday, August 15, 2011

silly little poem

 My man is gonna be great. 
He'll laugh and smile when he takes me on dates
He'll be charming and sweet
 he'll love my family as soon as they meet
 We'll go dance in the rain in the bed of his truck,
He'll help me with problems if I ever get stuck
He'll take my hand, and he'll open my doors
 He'll even turn on our favorite songs while we do the chores
He'll be responsible, but fun
 and he'll take me on trips when all our work is done
He'll serve, and he'll care
 if I want a bite of his snack, he'll willingly share
He'll kill all the spiders that crawl on my floor
He'll rub my back, even if it's not sore. 
He'll listen to what I say
and He'll always try to make my day
He'll love me for me
and that's just the way I hope it will be!

1 comment:

  1. I love the dance in the rain in the bed of his truck. I'm gonna make my husband take me to do that!! And you will find this awesome guy someday! Just direct him to this poem so he gets it right! ;]
